MhdAli Personal Blog

[TIL] Centos 7 with MySQL 5.6 open file limit


Today I tried to upgrade MySQL 5.6.27 to 5.6.29 on one of our database servers, that running on CentOS version 7.

However after I upgraded the package I started seeing this error many times:

[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't open file: '<TABLE_NAME>' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)


So even if you go and extend the limit on /etc/security/limits.conf like this one below it wont work

mysql  soft  nofile  49152
mysql  hard  nofile  65536

Because CentOS 7 using systemd that came to me that it cause this issue, because systemd control open files as well!!

How to fix?

So I went to /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service and added this line


Then refresh systemd with

systemctl daemon-reload

and make sure also MySQL restarted as well

systemctl restart mysqld

Final tip

This issue should sorted by MySQL team because the default package doesn’t come with a bigger number of open files.